martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012

Passion masturbation

When we have sex with the woman we love, our unconscious with it we feel that one person.

The man loves the woman possessing the body that would take him to express his homosexual desires.

This sentence is very complicated. I'll have to simplify it.Oh, I know, is just one example!

Joseph loves Mary because she has a body that, if he did, could deploy the unconscious desires of being gay.

Jose thinks:

- What beautiful legs you Mary! I love the softness of your skin, shape, texture, temperature, perfume. If I had those legs, surely would have sex with a man.

The Joseph unconscious erotic dreams and still goes a bit further:

- If I had legs that has Mary, surely would enjoy erotic accepting invitations from some man. What would this man with whom I admit to being homosexual? Clearly, it would be like myself. Yes, now I have clear ideas: would be penetrated by me, wanna be my lover homosexual.

Insomnia leads me to these anxieties as transgressors to the chemical purity of manhood I always knew preserve, leads me to be a little more transgressive, now I recognize that if I had the legs of Mary, be gay.

- ... And me would only make love with anyone else, no other man could be my lover? Perhaps we could also be lovers with my best friend, perhaps my father, maybe with my older brother.What a coincidence, all these men have something similar to me!

- In short, he continues thinking Joseph, when I make love with Mary, I enjoy it so much because I imagine that's me and I'm having sex with myself.Horror, but then have sex with her is equivalent to masturbate!Mary could not live without!

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La pasión masturbatoria.

(This is the Article No. 1755)

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