miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2012

Do not bother the drug

You may think that the rulers have reason to "do not disturb" on drug traffickers.

Describe this scene look for we leave together, you and I, to a brief comment which should not exceed 300 words, as with the other items.

A young man who could be a student of Valencia (city in Spain), which is opposed to cuts in the university budget has decreed that the president of the republic (Mariano Rajoy), is immobilized by a policeman.

This young man also could have used any drug (alcohol, cocaine, heroin), which will cause severe poisoning, enough to "immobilize" for a few hours.

In both cases, their anger, outrage, would have similar results because the struggle against that which harms was futile as he could not recover the money that was cut in the national budget.

However, over and attitude (manifest in the street or high) are quite different forecasts.

The difference between the two attitudes are like the young man who dreams of founding a family and mark its presence in all places where they can meet girls who could summon as a father to his children (equivalent to participate in the fighting against the police) and another guy to buy pornographic magazines and masturbating (equivalent to get high to dream a better world).

Now I turn my point of view and try to reach me at the head of Mariano Rajoy.

If you do not get it wrong, all rulers prefer the guys who masturbate and take drugs and those who prefer not to make noise, complain loudly, breaking the urban furniture and the police force have to leave their comfortable quarters.

You may think that the rulers have reason to "do not disturb" on drug traffickers.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): No molestar a los narcotraficantes

(This is the Article No. 1730)

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