lunes, 18 de marzo de 2013

Any little help reaches us

We have many needs but every little aid reaches us. No need to be higher, magical and omnipotent (God).

I declare myself happy humanly, ie unpretentious: sometimes I'm happy, sometimes I'm sad, like everyone else. I think we can not expect more than that.

To be satisfied need not be romantic, or believe in God, or think well of the members of the species. On the contrary I am convinced that love is a feeling that we are gratified organically sublime, but it is the subjective feeling of having someone who we need, that is, to love is to imagine that the loved one will give us what we need,. .. as did our mother.

I am convinced that God does not exist but it is a necessary fantasy to reduce our anxiety, fear, uncertainty, appealing to the hope and illusion, ie ways of appealing to distort reality, to lie, to deceive as to children.

To access my humble happiness as I have, I do not want to believe that humans are a kind wonderful than others. On the contrary I think we are worth the same as any other and, as we need each other for so weak and vulnerable we are, we love. We love despite not being so exceptional.

In other words, we do not need to imagine wonderful love. It can be humanly happy without deceiving with overvaluation. Love brings happiness, but to feel it is not necessary to imagine that he or loved ones, are superior beings, wonderful.

Our loved ones can be vulgar, ordinary, because we are so vulnerable that aid need not have to come from omnipotent magical beings, (God), or extraordinary human beings.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Cualquier pequeña ayuda nos alcanza.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.842)

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