lunes, 25 de marzo de 2013

Love and reproductive drive

Lovers of different sexes have aspirations as impossible to finish because the reproductive drive joining the forces.

Even the most inept administration manager do not open the window in the office when no loose papers everywhere and there's a blizzard outside.

For similar reasons people should not fall in love until they are mature enough, because with immaturity (or feelings loose papers everywhere), infatuation is equivalent to a hurricane.

This mess we call it "confusion", "chaos", "Delirium."

Of course the office full of loose papers and a head full of volatile emotions are actually two (offices and heads).

Indeed, we think that the lovers know what the other is feeling and therefore, like all knowledge, creates a responsibility.

In other words, when lovers know that the other part of the excitement demands responsibility, make no mistake, to behave so that no misunderstandings arise, doubts and much less frustration.

While two persons of the same sex are struggling to please, to understand what the other wants, the situation becomes complicated when the lovers have different sexes.

That a woman understands the man she loves as hard as that man understands the woman he loves.

Two persons of the same sex in love and have difficulties meant by something so simple that can be summed up in a proverb: "On tastes nothing written."

The priorities are unique to each person who is in love hopes his love object not disappoint in its main aspiration, that is, than the other are as identical as two drops of water.Impossible!

Lovers of different sexes have aspirations as impossible to finish because the reproductive drive joining the forces.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El amor y el impulso reproductivo.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.849)

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