viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Polarization 'rich and poor' is artificial

I propose to think that humanity creates groups opposed to perceive contrast, for example, leftists and rightists, rich and poor.

The word "progressive" is a word invented by clever politicians from left to suggest that they try the people are getting better.

"Pobrismo" is a word invented by right wing politicians to suggest that their natural opponents (the "progressive" left), what they actually do is match the quality of life for all citizens, which can only be achieved descendiéndola the level of which is worse, it is impossible to ensure that all are high although it is possible to make everyone poor.

The people, meanwhile, have to keep fighting to eat, dress and stay all day.

Why are some left and others are right?

I believe this happens for two important reasons most other secondary reasons.

Those two reasons are:

1) The anatomy of all mankind work best in a certain way. Some bodies function best when the anatomy of the brain thinks as leftist and other bodies function best when the right brain thinks like. That is, I propose the hypothesis (as likely or unlikely as any other explanation) that the origin of these ideologies rooted in the metabolism of each other supporters;

2) Humans only perceive contrast (1) like 'white on black', 'noise of silence', 'romantic about materialistic', 'left over right'. In other words, humanity needs polarized ideologies so that we perceive each other also in the realm of ideas, philosophy, morality.

If this hypothesis refers to the perception was correct, maybe someday we perceive each other without resorting to polarization 'rich and poor'.

(1) Published articles on contrast perception called Gestalt.

El (pez grande) gobierno vive del (pez chico) ciudadano 


Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La polarización ‘ricos y pobres’ es artificial.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.827)

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