miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

Money functions as a refrigerator

Since money can be exchanged at any time for necessary or desired goods, works as a food preservative.

Try to base, with his benevolence, why my fevered brain secretes a hypothesis that money functions as a refrigerator to keep food.

People working in free time, ie, we use the time we spent not to eat, to sleep, to move, to watch television, a walk in a park, for another to use somehow we agreed.

People who are involved in selling what they produce, sell what you do not need. In other words, vendors sell their surplus and sell what they need and that they find it useful.

So buyers buy scraps, remnants, discards, scraps, clippings, ashes, which is useless for the seller, which the seller does not need or want.

This definition explains why so many sellers look apathetic, indifferent, scornful, boring, arrogant, glacial. We must realize that, ultimately, buyers are mere garbage because we will withdraw what vendors no longer need or want.

This definition also explains the phenomenon of supermarkets and supermarkets. Note that sellers bored, overwhelmed by the merchandise not need nor want, prefer to leave it lying there on the shelves for the garbage collectors take ourselves without them having to bother to give it to us.

However, these are not given free despercidios because of greed encourages buyers to sellers to collect it, to exchange them for other goods equally useless: money.

Since money can be exchanged at any time for goods actually necessary or desired, functions as a food preservative that appeases our hunger when actually suffer.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  El dinero funciona como un refrigerador.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.832)

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