miércoles, 27 de marzo de 2013

If I say that I am is because I am really

I propose to think that when someone says, "I'm not selfish" is stating something that suggests interpreted as' I am selfish."

On many occasions I have made comments that include the concept of Gestalt (1), ie the perceptual phenomenon by which a figure is visible only if viewed on a different background, contrasting opposite. For example, black on white noise in the silence, bitter versus sweet.

Perceptions that come from the five senses are relatively easy to understand, but when the gestalt phenomenon occurs between ideas, thoughts, feelings, opinions, requires more effort, ... but not much.

Irony is defined as "thin and veiled mockery," "mocking tone with which it is said" and also a "figure of speech that is to imply the opposite of what is said" (2).

This of "imply the opposite of what is said" marks the Gestalt phenomenon but in the realm of ideas, of thought, of language.

The "antiphrasis" is somewhat good looking as the same dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, because there is said: 'Figure of designating persons or things with voices that mean the opposite of what it should say. "(3)

There is a saying that reminds us: "Like father like son," meaning something as obvious as that part of the wood is of the same wood.

In the context that we could say, "As this figure background," meaning that the background and the figure are complementary, mutually mean. For example, the sweet (figure) becomes bitter notoriety before (bottom) takes the rough with the smooth notoriety.

Interpret propose that when someone says, "I'm not selfish 'fund is showing" I'm selfish. "

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Si digo que no soy es porque en realidad soy.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.851)

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