viernes, 22 de marzo de 2013

Our unconscious seen in the other

To our awareness others have particularities that we maintain in our unconscious unpresentable, antisocial and irresponsible.

Those rare, bizarre, atypical, very different from the rest, special, often pay a high price for its condition.

Humans are suspicious of those who, despite appearing of our species, however, have features that set them apart.

Are suspicious and distrustful of foreigners, of transsexuals, those with a different skin color than ours, the strong, the weak, the ugly or too beautiful.

When we met a fellow is evident that we walk through life accepting only our equals and especially those who never finished finding: the wonderful identical to us.

Clear that external factors are the most notorious and exciting, ie triggers our reaction, intolerance, mistrust.

The other factors, the less visible, we also cause some adverse reactions, irritated, antisocial.

Let me give an example to better explain what I mean.

In a high-rise building many families. In this type of construction is common for any loss of water damaged the roof of the house is below.

The inhabitants of the unit may be impaired people unwittingly try to evade any responsibility. Although it sounds pessimistic most current population imagines very respectful of the rights of others but, again, without realizing it, are strongly omitted, careless, indifferent to the interests of others.

The injured will claim a swift repair of damage, but there is something that ignores: Unknown if he was responsible for making arrangements ... so try to avoid it, but not require kindly asked angrily unconsciously by implying that the neighbor is as irresponsible as him.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Nuestro inconsciente visto en los otros.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.846)

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