miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2013

Life is very much need

Having a lot of money to imagine that you have many needs, many desires and, therefore, a lot of life.

Unfortunately this article is not intended to be treated or, in the worst case, if provided, shall be promptly disqualified or removed from memory.

Some comments, and some people are doomed to oblivion.

The desire and needs are the most reliable signs of existence. Who does not want or need anything exposed to think he might not be alive.

First abominable conclusion: keep wants and needs is useful to be aware of ... nothing less!

In other words: the satisfaction of wants and needs could give us the feeling that we do not exist. Satiety causes anesthesia, numbness, subjective feeling of death.

Money is a commodity, a commodity, a product, whose main characteristic is to be interchangeable by a very high amount of goods and services that could pay off almost all of our wants and needs.

In other words: this peculiarity of money, (being as eficamente interchangeable for countless goods and services), is a threat of (subjective feeling) death.

These conditions can lead to abominable second conclusion: money can have the feeling that, if we wanted to, we could meet any need or desire, but as we suspect that if this were to happen we would be without the typical sensitivity of those who are alive, then the solution is to have a lot of money but do not use it.

This situation is governed by a sense of greed, that is, the pleasure of having money for money but to spend it.

Who has lots of money feel a subjective sense of life, for reasons as follows:
«I have the good fortune to meet the required amount of desires, needs and life imagine having».

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Mucha necesidad es mucha vida.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.811)

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