lunes, 11 de marzo de 2013

The divinatory services market

As the truth is there is only an illusion and we have a reasonably lucrative market to market divinatory services.

For anxious people who fear the future because they can hardly wait for it to arrive (why are anxious), use a resource as old as humanity itself: divination (prediction, forecast, prediction, premonition, foresight, sponsorship, oracle) .

As some economists' supply generates demand ", ie, if there are buyers in the market for something (furniture, food, houses, ...), it will not be long before vendors appear interested in making furniture, or in food preparation, or in building houses, ...

Similarly, if there are people interested in knowing the future (demand), will not be long without showing wizards, necromancers, wizards, witches, psychics, magicians, enchanters, soothsayers, diviners.

I said "appear" to emphasize that these professionals already existed and were observed when someone's looking.

The economy is so shaky a science it still agree on how this phenomenon: They are anxious (demand) who cause the supply of services or perhaps divination are seers (offer) who, on getting fans interested in his talent (divination) generate anxiety in people to demand information about what happened yet.

As the truth does not exist and is an illusion only say that "there is a bit of everything." As the saying goes, "Birds of a feather flock together", looking eager to soothsayers and diviners looking forward to, and there we have armed and running the intense market futurology, predictions, oracles, unbeaten led by Nostradamus.

This is the key, "as the truth does not exist and is only an illusion," we have a real market, dynamic, serious and reasonably lucrative to market the services of divination.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El mercado de los servicios adivinatorios.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.816)

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