domingo, 10 de marzo de 2013

Being rich by mistake

For many and varied reasons for the events are organized so that if we are not poor either by pure mistake.

If we were asked all say: "I'd rather know the truth."

This response is true because it reflects what one interviewee believed, but it is false when compared with what actually happens, that is, we need to know the good news and ignore the bad.

The subject of this article is the sense of security we need to found a family and to earn enough money.

Many times it happens that the need to hit is so intense that we act as to the facts confirm our predictions. For example, if we think we do not have a specific performance skills, he unconsciously endeavor fail because it hurts us more mistakes in a forecast that economic ruin.

Known this, or maybe just intuited, organize our actions considering that it is easier to ratify pessimistic than optimistic forecasts, ie it will be easier to say that we failed because students imagine that will be easy to introduce ourselves as poor students.

Therefore we predict as bad students because we have faith to represent the role.

But this is not the only reason to do an effort to be bad students.

Our culture rejects anyone who says otherwise. That is, if someone says it's "good student" has a good chance of being criticized for cocky, arrogant, conceited.

Thus, from an early age we learn that the adult classic question "what do you devote when you grow up?" Must be answered in a way that is interesting to think that a child early modest, with the wisdom of a old Buddhist monk.

In sum: The events are organized so that if we are not poor, either by pure mistake.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Ser ricos por equivocación.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.815)

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