lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

A leader should be a skilled

A leader should be a skilled, ie someone who knows the business field as anyone.

I would say that there is much demand for courses, conferences and books on leadership. Needless to say that there is equal interest in a thing called subordinazgo, ie the ability to second, obey, assist, collaborate, respond.

I guess so interested in leadership can be caused because all wish to be leaders, to have power, decision making, command, what in psychoanalytic reasoning would not say that "all want to take the place of Dad," not only because it takes many decisions but because they share a bed with mom.

Psychoanalytically both paragraphs summarize, we could say that we all have a vocation to Dad and few vocation as children.

Of course when the time comes to have to find a genuine source of income that allows us to become independent of our parents and start a family, we lose if we delay too long to realize what we are apt.

For this topic I always remember something called "comparative advantage", which in short carefully advises us closer to what we are most apt and carefully away from what we are less fit.

If we give a slight tour of all that the Internet is said about leadership, we find that the gift of leadership has to do with energy, courage, determination, personal magnetism, charisma, political skills, good negotiator, encourage subordinates to identify its goals (the leader), fiercely competitive, ambition, commitment, intelligence, be careful attempts among persons notoriously unequal egalitarianism, moral flexibly handle (1), bear the loneliness of power.

I guess all this is correct, but for me a leader should be a skilled (2), that is someone who knows the business field as anyone, inch by inch.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Un líder debería ser un baquiano.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.885)

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