martes, 14 de mayo de 2013

For now become so fearsome god

Respect what fearsome mammals.

To access what we need (air, water, electricity), living beings develop features that can conserve existence.

- The plants orient their solar screens (leaves and flowers) to the largest source of light;

- The fish have gills to extract oxygen from the water;

- Humans do not we invent stories to become aware of how vulnerable we are.

This last example seems especially away from the category that includes the first two, but I did it on purpose to highlight the importance for us to imagine that life is less complicated than it really is.

I particularly striking how fear convinces us more that the best arguments.

Put another way: under threat almost all think as we indicated we should think someone who could hurt us if contradijéramos.

This condition human (or mammalian), results in the physically strongest are able to make us think as they want.

The concern of this phenomenon is that many times the physical strength appears to offset a lack in intellectual force.

It seems certain that those who have no intelligence to develop convincing arguments compensatorily the power to impose their ideas through brute force (violence, coercion, threats).

Similarly we can say that the physically weaker compensatorily develop the ability to impose their ideas through persuasion, intelligence, dialogue.

With these few items we can say that, for now and until something major changes, our species is governed by gross, violent fools and the weak silencing smart.

One important change when the majority of the brutality repudiation open space that are in need of weak but smart.

For now become so fearsome god.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Por ahora endiosamos lo temible.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.898)

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