sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Fear of failure terminal

Those who suppose that death is a failure itself inept perhaps avoid any risks for fear of failure lucrative terminal.

It is normal human self-censor some ideas, beliefs, convictions, certainties, because we recognize that are unpresentable, shameful, absurd.

This set of assumptions may have a certain internal consistency, as are ideas including along.

The unconscious is a part of the psyche perfect to house them and keep them separate from our everyday discourse. To access them we would have to raise the self-censorship.

These ideas enjoyed temporary release, similarly to what happens to prisoners when reliable signs denote rehabilitation.

At first they do it very secretly dreams as indecipherable to whom the censorship. We could say that escape disguised by the dream work. For example, someone dreams of a trader who is found using a scale that weighs 900 grams and kilos there could discover our desires unpresentable to be unjust.

Another idea shameful, usually keep hidden but sometimes escapes us in public, is one that considers death as a personal failure, for lack of care, clumsiness.

As I said in previous paragraphs this assumption is worthy of being hidden because for most of us die for reasons beyond our control (including in case of suicide, strange).

Who secretly assume that death is avoidable except for the careless, clumsy, inept, usually belong to the large group of those who do not tolerate failure.

These people with such a low tolerance for frustration, bound by shame not to confess to imagine death as a preventable phenomenon can choose unconsciously to avoid any gainful that expose some kind of failure, because for them fail and die is exactly the same.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Temor al fracaso terminal.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.890)

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