viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Beliefs as safety nets

In order to take the risks inherent in living need to have some beliefs that function as safety nets.

The Great Circus of Giuseppe Rossi traveled the world and is recognized as two important characteristics showed no trained animals and acrobatics on the trapeze put the public standing with my heart in my mouth.

These trapeze had entered very young company. African descent were a girl and a Hindu almost black skin.

While working with a safety net that protected some inevitably fatal fall, never been used because the flights were perfect.

On one occasion the circus attempted to enter a country excessively rigorous health checks on immigrants and how was the surprise of the tumblers when they saw the inspectors took the strings of the safety net and crumbled with hands in front of those had risked their lives in an extremely reckless expecting that any fall would have unfortunate consequences.

In finding this evidence the girl hugged her partner and Her knees to imagine what might have happened to them.

While they were believing in the strength of the network could display his talent with the utmost boldness. The unexpected health inspection showed them that this belief was false.

Humans need to have some beliefs that function as safety nets. We need to dare to take the risks associated with life: leaving home, to interview with a prospective employer, addressed to another person we like and want, meet the commitments inherent in the formation of a family into debt, gestating children and even trust strangers to take care of them, be surgically ...

Beliefs need to function as contention networks.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las creencias como redes de contención.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.901)

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