domingo, 12 de mayo de 2013

Our personality is the daughter of someone we admire

The identification is like a pregnancy we generate, for example, the attitude towards money from someone we admire.

Imagine the adventures of a grower traveler, curious, experimenter, fun, it retains much of the child we all went.

This character, wearing colorful clothes, has a passion for travel around the world planting orange seeds.

We all know the delicious (and colorful), which provide the fruit juice of this tree. Uruguay is a major producer of them and that drink a regular part of our diet.

With his fine palate, visit our character was planting trees in Africa, Asia, Europe, Oceania and America, to revel in the very different flavors of fruit juice that emerged from the seeds of the same specimen, a native of Uruguay.

No need to make much effort to realize that variety if only observe how different are each children of the same marriage ... but he likes to do well and has a millionaire father is financed.

There is a psychological process by which a subject assimilates an aspect, a property, an attribute of another and transformed on this model.

In other words, the various lands where the Orangeman planted seeds transformed them into a tree whose fruits have a characteristic flavor of its own, different from other orange sprouted in other lands.

Called "identification" to the process of assimilation of a trait of someone else to make it a feature that will result from our mix.

The identification is like a pregnancy we generate, for example, the attitude towards money from someone we admire and then, inadvertently, end up so poor or as rich as him, because our personality and was conceived.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Nuestra personalidad es hija de alguien que admiramos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.877)

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