Stimulate Prohibitions and authorized transgression becomes indifferent, but transgress only those who have a desire abundant, plentiful.
When the mother, or whoever is sometimes also sanitizes the small caressing her skin and in doing so stimulates the eroticized, the libidiniza, makes erogenous zone, ie body area particularly suitable to stimulate desire and exchanges sex.
Therefore, in these early experiences in the outside world, outside of the uterus, the pregnancy continues.
Anyone who owns a body suitable for love is more likely to lead fulfilling lives than others. The epidermal insensitivity is critical of apathy, disinterest by others, by sexuality.
Sexuality is the most important function because it depends on the willingness to care, feed and reproduce.
Our cultures make curious treatment of such an important role for individual life and species: the repressed, adds prohibitions, taboos, mysteries, threats.
Something that could explain this is the following hypothesis I propose in this article:
When companies engaged in electric power generation decided to build a dam (1) to collect water from a river, not build anywhere: choose those waterways to ensure abundant and continuous flow.
A dam is a wall that stops a water artificially to increase the energy that moves the turbines that generate electricity. A small flow nor move.
My hypothesis is that cultures repressed sexuality just to increase your energy, so that humans reproduce more, take better care.
This also explains why everything is more tempting forbidden. Stimulate Prohibitions and authorized transgression becomes indifferent.
Mind you, transgress only those with a desire abundant, plentiful.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.895)
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