jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The detachment of those who have orgasms

Parents are more unscrupulous with their children than mothers because they have orgasms and they usually do not.

In many countries formed cooperatives to build homes that will then use the cooperative.

The rate for the overall effort will be divided equally among the future inhabitants has a policy easy to understand and has severe surveillance of all, because the intention of defrauding the rest retaceando physical or economic effort is ongoing and the human condition itself.

Everyone must contribute the same amount of hours worked, but it does happen that some cooperatives prefer to contribute their time hiring labor in some mason, who would pay out of pocket.

The emotional status of the cooperative who have worked making foundations, raising walls, ceilings installed, making coatings, enjardinando, is very intense. They love their home with a different depth to which we who bought the house already built.

However, abañiles that charged for their participation, finish work and go to work somewhere else, staying with a distant memory of each of the works in which they participated.

A few years ago I mentioned (1) that the voluptuous sensation that receives the male when he ejaculates is caused by a spasm takes for the semen to be ejaculated into the vagina. The female body does not need that sharp contraction. For all this is normal for men to have orgasms and women do not.

Commented that pleasure is equivalent to remuneration which Nature makes men when fertilize new specimens to preserve the species.

With this article I commented that parents are more unscrupulous than women because they resemble those masons who come to do your homework and go.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El desapego de quienes tienen orgamos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.893)

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