martes, 28 de mayo de 2013

Communication with strangers

Web communications with strangers only be fun or boring, but never committed.

I comment on something everyone already do without realizing it. My only addition is that I will describe in the clearest way I can.

With information technology, especially channeled via the Internet, email, Facebook and other social networks and chats, you can 'talk' to many people: acquaintances, relatives, acquaintances of acquaintances, friends, ex-partners study, co-workers and strangers.

For a significant number of users of these communication tools is a major problem sincerity that the other can use. We tend to worry when we do not know if the occasional caller tells the truth or lying to us.

From my point of view there is a way to stop worrying sincerity.

Although it seems too drastic believe nothing is better to believe a little. Of course I believe all equivalent to suicide naivety.

So our exchanges with unknown or almost unknown people should be based on the assurance that the other can only rarely tell the truth.

However, there is an interesting fact: What can really matter to us what the other account? My answer is too drastic: there should we care anything except see if we entertains, amuses us, allows us to have some fun.

So trade with people different from unquestionable reliability, (I encourage you to give examples such as "family" or "close friends" because sometimes those closest are not worthy of trust), should be based on the simple formula "I'll get entertaining-what, I'll get bored-not."

In short, communications with strangers only be fun or boring, but never committed.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  La comunicación con personas desconocidas.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.912)

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