For those who have a positive idea of Christ are good people the blond, blue-eyed, with long hair and slim body.
For how our psyche every encounter for the first time is actually a reunion.
Although it sounds illogical in fact work this way and to accept this unreality we enable us to understand and explain what we all know as "love (or hate) at first sight."
Something happens and we also contributing to accept this cost us that every first encounter is actually a reunion, is that most of these events occurs "indifference at first sight", ie, neither love nor hate.
Try to justify why they say that in psychoanalysis the reunion for the first time.
It is believed humans project onto others ideas and feelings that belong to us so that we seem to find that person you just met.
For example, if during our childhood received a strong Catholic education we may have looked at many times the images of Christ who came to this day and we all know.
From there, every time we meet for the first time with someone whose eyes are similar to the images that we know of Christ, inevitably, unconsciously, we feel that that person evokes feelings similar to those felt by Christ.
It is likely that the eyes and the look of Marilyn Monroe look like eyes and the look that a painter assigned to the publicized Christian image of their leader.
In general and for those who have a positive idea of Christ, are good people the blond, blue eyes, long hair and slim body ..., traits such that, not coincidentally, are permanent fashion.
Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Todo
primer encuentro es un reencuentro.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.905)
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