jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013

The difficulties of the cooperative

Mutual aid cooperatives for family housing construction fighting the inevitable human pettiness.

Housing cooperatives are organizations that often work well when they work well is because the mutual aid system is not ideal for a man who has no choice but to be mean for the simple reason that it is dramatically weak, vulnerable and dire need of help instead of giving it.

To compensate for this energy poverty, we invent roles of generosity, love of neighbor and cooperation that only work poorly, with thousands of faults, failures, theft, fraud, lies.

Therefore housing cooperatives operating under mutual aid moral pressure, and severe regulations to prevent irresponsible bullying specialist.

I know it sounds very strange to associate the harassment (bullying) to tasks that seem so holy, well-meaning, supportive, but true: the cooperative cooperating, disgusted with slackers, bums, champions of irresponsibility, they manage to pressure, often resorting to pragmatic principle that "the end justifies the means."

But again, humans are not suitable for cooperative operation if not under economic, moral and even physical, but the lovers of that organizational form (the cooperative) have to say that I say what I say because I am an unbeliever , a negative, a fascist, a Nazi or an abominable capitalist.

Beyond these criticisms that I make the cooperative, the fact is that in the end many low-income families can access their housing.

Except for those who are benefited by subsidies that states must present to the cooperatives, the rest of the population protest against such privileges.

Humans solve the injustices causing other injustices.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las dificultades del cooperativismo.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.874)

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