A uterus is worth a thousand brains because brewing them achieve a wonderful sense of transcendence that men envy.
A picture is worth a thousand words, a symbol is worth a thousand pictures and a uterus is worth a thousand brains.
The first two statements correspond to a Chinese adage, the third is an aggregate that did and will try to build on this article.
Once the boys manage to find a balance between the need to found a family and enough income, appears the second stage of man's life, with a genius-proof question: "What am I doing in this shit work? ".
Young men are a disaster. They are best applied to anyone that other unknown nationality adage that says, "For who is disoriented all paths give the same."
But women have it all figured out. They want to be mothers and all humanity wants them to be mothers. That strong confluence of interests paves the way.
If women are distressed because they do not know who will impregnate because there are a legion of misguided men, who know what they want, they begin to study some rapid job placement but is pathetically boring, would like to do something more concrete but it turns out that this sector is overcrowded potential competitors that ferocious bites scare, would pursue what he really loves, to which apply all your passion, this has sparked delirious enthusiasm, but the result of all this application male youthful energy and has no one pays a weight for him.
A uterus is worth a thousand brains because gestating women achieve a wonderful sense of transcendence, of fulfillment, of "good for something" that men envy.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.875)
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