miércoles, 8 de mayo de 2013

Social profitability and economic returns

The poor pathological try to know more of what brings them even less favorable social profitability profitability.

This blog contains articles related to the concept "poverty pathological", who briefly refers to all materials shortages unsuccessfully want to be reversed by the sufferer.

This article contains 1,873 hypothesis I propose since I started posting psychoanalytic cutting proposals.

The core of the idea refers to our herd instinct, social participation, mathematics and spirituality.

Everyone needs to be loved, to be accepted and to be integrated into the group. This need stems from the herd instinct.

To perceive that integration is necessary that we participate in the social aspects of our community, from the wide and numerous as are the political, to the smaller and intimate as are family ties.

We need to communicate, orally and in writing, for that we need to have the language skills and have some basic knowledge that allow us to know what it is talking about.

If you want to participate in social interactions by said communication resources (language, culture, knowledge), we note that in some areas have greater participation than others. When talking about certain subjects can make our contribution valuable and when talking about other issues we do our part NO valuable.

Could state categorically that a huge majority of people do not feel competent to discuss issues in which personal opinion has little importance.

Like it or not, the poor pathological try to know more of what brings them greater social even at the expense of profitability.

The vast majority are looking to specialize in topics that any opinion is valid (politics, sports, morality, spirituality) and leaves those who require accurate knowledge (mathematics, science, history).

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La rentabilidad social y la rentabilidad económica.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.873)

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