domingo, 5 de mayo de 2013

Reciprocal Abusers

There are two types of people who are abused each other, one and the other imposing favors using them as if deserved.

Unsuccessfully for days to look for a word. I'm pretty sure there is, but "does not appear."

Before I forget the reason for the search drafted the article that need.

I want to tell you about that kind of people doing favors invasive way. Just under that force the "benefit" to receive such care, that help, the unspeakable gift that my character needs to do.

These people apply a similar approach to financial policy until recently had the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, IDB and other countries credit agencies: the imposition of aid has a bad intention to dominate, borrowing, extracting profit .

The people and countries more likely to seek immediate pleasures regardless of the costs generated in the short term, accept pleased, without resistance,

- Imagining that the assistant is a generous person;
- Imagining that benefited inspires good feelings in others;
- Imagining that there are good people;
- Imagining that they deserve help, gift, favor, because
- Imagine pleasant, lovable, charming, seductive, beautiful.

These beliefs deliriously optimistic benevolent beneficiaries, ie those who generously accepted the help of who both want help to feel good, are part of markedly traits arrogant, boastful, proud, pedantic, vain.

In short, as we say in Spanish speakers "are hunger with the desire to eat", as the invasive contributor is a disguised predator benefited philanthropist and dreams of an ideal situation, believing that someone deserving (the imperialist benefactor) , not do enough for providing hospitality, loans, privileges.

If a conflict broke out between these two reciprocal abusers, we would classify it as reckoning.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los abusadores recíprocos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.889)

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