domingo, 30 de septiembre de 2012

When incestuous desires impoverish

The prohibition of incest can generate personal poverty when only facing enterprises as impossible as incestuous desires meet.

Although the brain knows that a pearl is a pearl sphere that forms inside the shell of certain mollusks, when you hear the phrase "pearls of dew", does not stop to think about the areas that usually embellish some pearly jewelry, but understood that this is a costly comparison and populate by thousands formations dewy meadow.

This mental phenomenon occurs not only in poetic texts but function more often.

I go to the bottom of it: the prohibition of incest is a very touching because social norm painfully inhibited sexual desires that circulate within the family.

Metaphorically, this prohibition appears when we want to satisfy desires that are out of our reach. Let me give an example:

Several times I have mentioned that our species is the woman who wants to have children with certain men of their surroundings and not others (1).

If a woman has the misfortune of one of the few men to be his dad, as hard to explain his thoughts ("I have a son with my father") and since the prohibition of incest as taboo works, ie most certainly did not confess or herself, is likely to:

- Have a bad relationship with his father because to seduce him unconscious impulses are easily controlled and systematic anger could be a way to get away from him;

- Make multiple attempts to bond with other men to be removed from his head to his only love (her father), which his emotional life, family and economic surely be chaotic, with constant tendency to insolventarse (beggar).

In sum: the impossible is very costly.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Cuando los deseos incestuosos empobrecen.

(This is the Article Nº 1.685)

sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Our rating on the success or failure

After adolescence and not for others qualify us as we are each of us who know judge.

A majority do not like knowing that we used, we used. Given these sensations react angrily, with wounded pride, we demand to be respected, we feel indignation.

To a lesser degree, others prefer to point to our capacity, capability, skill, ability, but not so nice to know that we are useful or serve.

In short: we offend others use us and tolerate others recognize that we serve for either task, but we prefer to recognize our worth, intelligence, ability.

Of these semantic nuances, I tend to assume that our satisfaction depends on how far we feel of inert objects (things, equipment, tools, objects), we may share some qualities with animals (ferocity, endurance, gentleness), but we were definitely with those adjectives that make it clear that we belong to the human species, understood as the most valuable species of nature ... according to our own opinion, of course!

The suspicion (distrust if the other values ​​us with justice), is manifested by a vindictive attitude, complaining that demands respect, consideration, attention.

Someone suspicious is particularly sensitive to how others are directed at him, are particularly sensitive to detect any disqualifying adjective, devalue it, calling into question their status as 'human being'.

During our childhood and during our student life, are our elders (parents, teachers) who will guide us whether or not realize the expectations they have for us. His judgments are a guide.

When you finish this first stage of socialization (in adolescence), and not for others because we qualify we each of us who know judge, on the success or failure.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Nuestra calificación, en el acierto o en el error.

Dinosaurs and we

Changes of any kind, (climatic, political, economic, technological) lest scare us not adapting to survive.

If you come to our ears the theory that dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt to climate change, we can not say we know what happened to that species, but we can now say that we believe that the inadequacy in the middle is a cause of inefficiency and eventually death.

In other words, we can not consider a theory to be true but we can assume that the people who transmit believe this hypothesis is logical, credible, reliable. We know of the theory itself but we know of those who approve.

Continuing the argument, we may assume that many of us think that the larger animals, although it is also the strongest, have their point of vulnerability in its adaptability.

Hand in hand with the theory that the dinosaurs concerns goes another theory that cockroaches were more adaptable and therefore survived to this day.

If it's in our psyche the tendency to assume that changes (climate, for example), are harmful to living things bigger and, since we tend to assume that human beings are the most important, of greater intelligence and God's favorites, it makes sense that many people feel particularly threatened when discussing new planetary changes are noticeable as technological changes that modify the labor market strongly.

On the other hand, it is striking how many children are fascinated by dinosaurs, perhaps a kind of identification with the grandeur that characterized.

In sum: The changes of any kind, (climatic, political, economic, technological) lest we scare can not survive by adapting.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los dinosaurios y nosotros.

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

Distrust scientific

There is a "scientific distrust 'through which we can continue to look with confidence, truths better than we already have.

Probably the essential fact about whether mental health is acceptable, is unfriendly, annoying, irritating. I mean doubt.

Most of the mental processes rigid, immutable, stereotyped, are a characteristic of mental performances problematic.

Of course it can also happen that doubt is the rigid: a person who can not help but doubt is also in trouble. Who can never change task never terminates because what you are doing, have a compulsion that is far from healthy.

As we see, mental disorders are more difficult to diagnose the flu, a broken bone or a rash illness.

Despite this irritating level of relativism, in some terms we can agree.

The paranoia, psychosis also called interpretive characterized because their are so systematized delusions (coherent, structured) that seem wonderful perceptions of reality in which the mortifying DOUBT is absent. The paranoid that explains his adamant view, never be convinced otherwise: is pathologically safe.

When a paranoid distrust of anything, all he found no evidence to support any doubt: if you think you pursue all of its situation hesitate but him.

However pathological distrust is not a way of thinking for the advance of science.

This type of "scientific distrust" is useful for not believing that the truths are truths final but can be confident that there are other truths better.

The great hope that is not the last word on any subject is encouraged by the "scientific distrust."

This mega distrust encourages us to think that humanity has not yet reached the goal.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La desconfianza científica.

(This is the Article No. 1702)

Advantages of insecurity

The feeling that it is dangerous to use money benefits business credit card administrators and governments.

Someone with enough resources could change the beliefs, feelings and ways of reacting in a population.

However this is impractical most of the time because neither governments have as many resources as they are needed.

In short, advertising ("Disclosure news or commercial advertisements to attract potential buyers, viewers, users") and propaganda ("association whose purpose is to propagate doctrines, opinions"), may, with sufficient duration, amplitude, persistence, skill, change some beliefs, feelings and ways of reacting in a population.

Advertising and propaganda can be transmitted through the traditional media (newspapers, radio, television, Internet) or study centers, in religious congregations, in political parties, trade unions, sports clubs, in the workplace.

Companies credit card administrators specialize in issuing these payment methods that ultimately seek to replace bank notes, paper money, cash.

As this administration done for profit, shall endeavor to be widely accepted by the population. The goal is for all but we use them for that we have to pay administration costs plus profit companies mentioned that issue.

Governments also benefit because they can get into infallible and track your spending every citizen who uses it (the cardholder). This reduces tax evasion and obtained interesting data on the consumption habits of the governed.

It would be good publicity for the cards and good government propaganda, creating a sense of insecurity for us to use credit cards instead of cash that could be stolen.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las ventajas de la inseguridad ciudadana
Otras menciones del concepto «tarjeta de crédito»:

(This is the Article Nº 1.683)