martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

Encouragement or discouragement of crime

Those who break the law, do you wish or fear the consequences imposed by the citizens? Are we encouraging or discouraging crime?

When we try to punish a citizen who violated our rules, do we really know if we are punishing or rewarding?

One of the many features that is humorous is that our brain is very convinced that everything that we like or dislike is exactly what you like or dislike the rest of the species.

How can someone grow old without having danced tango?, Is unusual in France eat snails!; Are there people who prefer to work in an office? I can not believe!

The operation is as follows: Lawmakers love their work but many citizens rely on the vote every 4-5 or 6 years. To achieve this, they have to promise and then fulfill the desires of their constituents. If this is true, then we have a "democracy", ie the "government of the people".

As every citizen thinks "what I like likes me to others," or, more indirectly says, "Do not do unto others what you would not have them do unto you", then forces its legislators to impose the penalties for them (the voters) would atrocious, for example, jail, take away the freedom, prevent them being thrown out for a walk on Sunday with family, work forbid, force them to be with other criminals, exposing them to have homosexual .
These punishments are exactly those who horrified voters, but is it true that horrify us all?, Are we not encouraging crime among whom these "punishments" are actually "prizes"?

It is a prejudice which assures us that we all want freedom, walk on Sundays, work, away from criminals, preserve our heterosexual practices.

Are we encouraging or discouraging crime?

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Estímulo o desestimulo de la delincuencia.

(This is the Article No. 1686)

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