domingo, 2 de septiembre de 2012

Difficulties stimulants

In some cases, we welcome the difficult to buy.

All they do for women of male semen preferred for their genetic endowment (1), is determined by instinct.

Them to look a certain way, they make the man approaching from shyer than has been hitherto.

She makes the man to move a certain way, as you would a puppeteer with his doll, that, overcoming the obstacles interposed culture fecundándose finish.

Something she has to achieve, not willingly, but by instinct, is that he has an erection it could not otherwise penetrate the vagina to download semen orgasmic contractions that expel him.

For that fills the cavernous tissue turgor giving blood (hardness), she knows, for thousands of years, the man who likes the difficulties of a hunter. So she unwittingly unwittingly read without applying techniques in a self-help book, just wants to postpone that moment, she is excited denying that whatever else you want, it increases your desire to resist, feigning disinterest, "histeriqueando "as some would say ironically misogynist (who hates women).

Once the instincts of both have reached their optimum maturity, the male to penetrate her with passion, energy, perhaps with excessive violence, but it will be seminal lake overflowed happily for some time, increasing the chances that at 40 weeks we have with us a new earthling.

Under certain circumstances, it is good that the client has difficulties in buying what you most want, either so expensive, hard to get, you have to wait to receive it.

In some cases, we welcome the difficult to buy.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las dificultades estimulantes

Other mentions of the term 'women choose men':

(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.658)

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