jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

The prohibitive

Arguably goods and services 'prohibitive' are annoying for everyone.

In the Bible, in the book of Genesis (Gen 2, 16-17), we find the first ban. God told the man: "Come if you want the fruit of all the trees of the garden: But the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in any day you eat from it, infallibly die.

According to the Diccionario combinatorio del español contemporáneo led by Ignacio Bosque, the word "prohibitive" it is associated with the following words: quantity, amount, cost, expense, level, price, sum.

Examples: "The rental price is 'prohibitive'," "Certain needs are at a 'prohibitive'," "We married when the cost of living longer 'prohibitive' to our revenues."

It is attributed to the Spanish writer Camilo Jose Cela (1916-2002): "Restrict to ban is more effective and convenient than more arbitrary than smart."

I dare to say that the bans are a social condiment. They alter our coexistence interponiéndole obstacles to freedom.

If we look at what is really happening, we would have to conclude that neither the prohibitions are so unfriendly and freedom is as desired.

In this blog I have discussed many times the largest prohibitions: the prohibition of incest, that prevents us from completely silent, unobtrusive but very strong, having sex with our relatives.

Both cause moderate discomfort bans us, as we feel moderate satisfaction with freedom, as the relative comfort as we bear the prohibition of incest, we suggest that prices 'prohibitive' may not be universally annoying as you think.

If we accept this, we could also say that we have lots of money to avoid increasing the amount of goods and services that we are 'prohibitive'.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Lo prohibitivo.

(This is the Article Nº 1.675)

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