No one knows why domestic violence occurs, however, everyone to some extent, has his theory.
I have something to say:
1) A majority of human beings love Jesus Christ, among other reasons, because he was the victim of an injustice at the hands of despicable people. As we all want to be loved forever (like him), not be surprising that many people inadvertently foster the conditions to become martyrs, hoping to change the same "luck" of Christ's love for centuries, or not had died.
In short, domestic violence may be caused, or at least favored by the desire of some women to be martyrs to merge religion.
2) The word "domestic" for the phenomenon works in both our culture continue "familiera 'domestic loves everything: tasks, link, animals. If we insist on saying 'domestic violence' are unconsciously accepting the sympathy awakens this aberration.
3) A majority certainly feels sympathy for battered women, humiliated, abused. It's a soap opera heroine who irresponsibly imagine many realistic fiction lovers. The victim can imagine that throughout her ordeal is but the history of a triumph "telenovelístico '.
4) Why do we never hear what they have to say the "rappers"? I believe, is that we all feel affinity with them, we imagine that we disown enough to differentiate, but yes, we need not listen because "I know what you are going to say" ... because "already heard the executioner to nest in my psyche."
5) Proof that all these assumptions may have some truth is that none is accepted as probable.
Note: Original in Spanish (without
translation by Google): La
violencia doméstica.
(This is the Article No. 1678)
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