sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2012

Free is more valuable than cheap

Our psyche understands that free labor can be interpreted as infinitely more valuable than if it were paid with little money.

In another article (1) I commented that the comics, where the adventures of super-heroes, could be detrimental to a message suggesting to our minds (morality, common sense, discernment), while the characters perform works by a enormous value but none of their stories we learn that the super-hero has collected some money for their work.

This leads us to consider that to be as great as them, or if we pretend just seem, would have to depose any profit.

Our mental functioning leads us to draw a conclusion paradoxical.

Indeed, based on feedback from two readers who sign Elena and Lautaro, the absence of remuneration for the feats can be interpreted as the economic value is infinite, is so big that you can not pay, is "priceless."

This has some connection with what I said in another article (2) as to which is the value of human life. In that article I said that only in very special circumstances it is possible to assign an economic value to the life of a person.

 The inability to assign an economic value to a good or a service, it can be realistic or strategic incalculable.

We can not rule out that someone look for opportunities to perform unpaid work because he prefers to feel seize them (imagine) that their participation is infinitely precious, never to be paid so invaluable.

This interpretation of free labor paradoxical generates another idea: simply to charge something, for example, a dollar, that radically cancel incalculable sense of grandeur to become an insignificant task given the smallness of the remuneration payment.

Paradoxically, "one" (as a unit) would be infinitely less than "zero" (nothing).

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google: Gratis es más valioso que barato

(This is the Article Nº 1.664)

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