martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

Domestic Violence and bullfight

The unpopularity of bullfighting may be finding that abusive consumers now shows "demand" domestic violence.

In another article I made some comments on the 'domestic violence' (1). This one will add some more.

Bullfighting (2) is the art of dealing and coping bulls (3), among other meanings have a saying: "Fighting with the bull rush and dodging her prompting him to death."

For some reason humans are changing our tastes, for better and for worse.

Indeed, after many decades of condemnation from various social groups sadistic this art enrage the bull to kill him, as a way to entertain the crowd, slowly the outcry is having some success and you are being banned in several cities.

Surely my rejection of this practice I can not understand what is so wonderful, so I declare my incompetence to be objective.

Maybe I can say that yes it is a manifestation of our weakness, to deny it, forces us to repeat again and again that a bull is stronger muscularly but that humans are superior because we have intelligence to compensate for our weakness with cunning , art and spirit superior (?).

This notoriously competitive disadvantage between human cunning and brute force of the bull is being abandoned, but I venture to suggest that another is emerging that could replace it.

Indeed, never have organized competitions of physical confrontation between men and women because we assume that there would be a confrontation amoral, as the male skeletal muscle is stronger than the female.

Bullfighting may satisfy the demand of those who paid to see fights between various contenders abusively. To prevent them, the public now consumes the uneven struggle between men and women.

Consumers now shows abusive "claim" domestic violence.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google: Violencia doméstica y corrida de toros
(This is the Article Nº 1.679)

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