We are ashamed to be inhibited, so we believe that others are as unscrupulous as we would be.
Distrust is an obstacle to win the money we need to live with dignity.
Almost all the actions we can take to achieve this goal (produce, buy and sell goods and services), require us to trust others (clients, suppliers, employers, workers, state governments).
When I say 'trust', I mean 'reasonably and not blindly trust. "
And here appears one of the main obstacles to earn the money we need: how much can we trust?
One of the possible answers to this question as comprehensive, vague but do us all at some point in the ancient slogan "Know thyself."
Indeed, if we take as a reference, because our data are very accessible and, above all, because we trust in ourselves enough.
Where the obstacle can trip us is how much we really know, or rather, how we use this self-knowledge.
I leave aside the case of those whose history leave us no choice but to distrust them. Although it is likely that someone change their way of being, it is really very difficult to trust and who was convicted for his acts indisputably dishonest.
Distrust those with a good track record, its main source of our own evil intentions.
The reasoning is almost mathematical: as you can not get to where there and the other being that has no history, it is our own invention which gives us imaginary data that lead us to judge the honesty of the other negatively.
What we need to take into account in that judgment based on our own dishonesty, is how we are inhibited from being unfair, fraudulent scammers.
As we are ashamed of being inhibited, imagine the other the unscrupulous who wish to have.
Note: Original in Spanish (without
translation by Google): Nuestras
inhibiciones vergonzosas
(This is the Article No. 1672)
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