lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

Reproduction militant

If some believe that homosexuality is a disease because humanity is needed to stimulate reproduction.

Humanity seems a body having individuals rather than cells.

Sometimes humanity is sick and needs some peculiarities of its "cells", but when cleared of the disease, the "cells" that had to retrain to overcome the crisis, does not return as quickly to its previous state.

With an example I can be more clear.

When was World Wars, the intervening countries lost many citizens killed by the fire of the enemy.

Killed French, Italian, English, German, Russian, American.

In such pressing circumstances, these people needed more and more people willing to give their effort and their lives to defend or attack.

These civilians turned-soldiers wanted to fight but not the obligation imposed by governments and propaganda finished sending the front men who did not want that kind of life.

Propaganda was used to generate the feeling of a majority of patriotic duty, so that their dear ones to the reluctant to participate, encouraged, pressured and harassed to meet up with the duty to fight.

Under these extreme circumstances, in which entire villages needed something special from citizens, changing the scale of values. Anyone who for some reason could not fight quickly entered into the category of "sick", "disabled", "disabled" ... to defend the homeland.

If for reasons of war deaths are deaths they added epidemics, can not understand why the play by homosexuality was considered pathological, perhaps as contrary to the immediate interests of each people as myopia, deafness or flat feet.

If some still believe that homosexuality is a disease because humanity is needed to stimulate reproduction.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Lareproducción militante.

(This is the Article No. 1.685)

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