sábado, 29 de septiembre de 2012

Dinosaurs and we

Changes of any kind, (climatic, political, economic, technological) lest scare us not adapting to survive.

If you come to our ears the theory that dinosaurs disappeared because they could not adapt to climate change, we can not say we know what happened to that species, but we can now say that we believe that the inadequacy in the middle is a cause of inefficiency and eventually death.

In other words, we can not consider a theory to be true but we can assume that the people who transmit believe this hypothesis is logical, credible, reliable. We know of the theory itself but we know of those who approve.

Continuing the argument, we may assume that many of us think that the larger animals, although it is also the strongest, have their point of vulnerability in its adaptability.

Hand in hand with the theory that the dinosaurs concerns goes another theory that cockroaches were more adaptable and therefore survived to this day.

If it's in our psyche the tendency to assume that changes (climate, for example), are harmful to living things bigger and, since we tend to assume that human beings are the most important, of greater intelligence and God's favorites, it makes sense that many people feel particularly threatened when discussing new planetary changes are noticeable as technological changes that modify the labor market strongly.

On the other hand, it is striking how many children are fascinated by dinosaurs, perhaps a kind of identification with the grandeur that characterized.

In sum: The changes of any kind, (climatic, political, economic, technological) lest we scare can not survive by adapting.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los dinosaurios y nosotros.

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