domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2012

Aid weaken

Contrary to common sense, to take strength to a corporation, nothing is better than to support, defend and applaud.

In another article (1) I shared with you some thoughts on the "corporations" and his analogy with a living body.

As mentioned in the text, the effectiveness of corporations in order to exercise power over society (customers, government, people, companies, other corporations) depends crucially on being consistent, harmonious and disciplined.

For this requirement we share a proverb for those features and one against.

The proverb "Unity is strength" refers, by intuition, to consistency, harmony and discipline.

A group of people bound together requires that the collective interest prevails over individual interests of its members.

Strangely, the encouragement to stay together does not originate within the corporation but receives it from outside the corporation.

Indeed, they are fighting with those who want the destruction and disappearance of the "corporation" essential providers who achieve this stimulus cohesion (binding) of the members.

This argument has some resemblance to what I said in another article (2) with respect to the attack, as counterproductive, critics make the rich, pretending thus benefit the poor.

While it seems certain that "unity is strength" and that the effectiveness of a corporation depends on the loyalty and discipline of its members, all foreign attack inspired by the intention of destroying it will stimulate strengthened.

Another proverb, which its author is known (Niccolo Machiavelli - [1469-1527]), says "Divide and conquer".

Quickly we conclude, linking this with the previous statement (which invigorates opposition to corporations), that "divide deadly" to a corporation, nothing beats support it, defend it, applaud.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las ayudas debilitan.

(This is the Article Nº 1.672)

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