domingo, 23 de septiembre de 2012

The projects and their realization

For some people describe a project amounts to do and fail to understand the cause of their poor results.

On several occasions I shared with you comments regarding the generalization that our brain can do when confused with the whole (metonymy) (1).

I've also used several times polysemy, ("Multiple meanings of a word or any sign language."), To indicate how language leads us to misunderstand reality.

Women are people so important to all that, so they do not overwhelm us so much prominence, some (men and women) need to disqualify ... who adds water as a beverage too concentrated.

They are so overwhelmingly important because chronologically are the foundation of our psyche as were the contributions made by the foundation, which we installed in the first sensations, feelings, language.

Although all our psychic functioning is important, tell them something that happens with language.

As women we know because we know our mother, or think we know from literature because once we read a novel, we tend to assume that describe a project equals compliance, announce that we take it for something equivalent to done.

The saying "Barking dogs do not bite" alludes elliptically (skipping some explanations), those people who do nothing but talk, promise, Speak-.

In another article (2) I said that we can isolate two types of workers: those who respond to external stimuli (hunger, opportunities, profit) and responding to internal stimuli (fantasies, dreams, projects).

This special feature of the language mean many things (polysemy) and feel, resulting in many minds, to confuse action with its verbal description, let not understand why the best ideas can result in incredible failures (economic, labor, politicians).

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los proyectos y su realización
(This is the Article Nº 1.678)

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