miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

Contributors to the "favorite son" of God

Some people attract employees into believing that God would help especially. These employees work for free because they would want to approach God.

Testimonial advertising is included in the message that the positive expression of someone who claims to know the product.

Message recipients felt that "if that person like me, expresses conformity for the product, surely I also have to feel it."

Part of our reasoning inspired by advertising testimonial, thinking something like "if that person tried it and it is recommending me, now I have reliable information about the goods'.

Needless to say that if we receive the same information from someone personally (mouth-to-mouth), our reliability may be greater, but it is worth remembering that "the people who appear on TV, are important, which compensates for the fact that not know personally. "

Sometimes testimonial advertising reinforces the effect using the ad to some figure known to all, who is shown as someone who knows what it offers and so we said, putting his prestige, we can buy with confidence because he used his house.

When it comes to issues of reputation, recommendation, reliability, wanted to say something quite subtle, unconscious and very common operation.

Whoever shows how very grateful to God, showing their gratitude with special notoriety, is creating a favorable effect to their own interests.

Depending on your skill, may be suggesting that God helps especially, if not stop thanking is because it has the privilege of being a "favorite son."

This supposed "favorite son" attracts "collaborators disinterested" making believe that God helps him especially. These collaborators will help free because God would want to approach or at least, be a friend of a friend of Him

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Los colaboradores del «hijo predilecto» de Dios.

(This is the Article No. 1687)

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