miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

The fortune of one who has many "thank you"

I believe that significant positive changes occur in a nation where the local currency started to be called "grace."

As I mentioned in the past, much of our problems we can not solve them because we are infatuated in two important matters well:

1) We believe that all complaints are preventable, being only a few are and all others are inherent in our being alive, and

2nd) To find formulas that allow us the definitive elimination of the inconvenience, we cling stubbornly to rationality, ruling prejudicially less logical ideas even more creative, unorthodox, unusual, alternative, artistic, mystical, philosophical, linguistic.

The above is intended only my way for a proposal that will surely not be treated or in some secret meeting of the International Monetary Fund, much less at the UN

In local currencies we are known, we find the newest, the Euro, which refers only to mainland Europe and indirectly to the Phoenician goddess Europa, which excited both the most important god of the Greeks, Zeus, who abducted her to rape. Sad story of the Euro!

The dollar phonetically sounds for Latinos as "pain", which is not very encouraging for our psyche so addicted to metaphors. For many, dollars might sound like in pain.

In many countries we find the "weight", which is not very appealing because it alludes to something heavy. It is the law of gravity ungovernable which indirectly gives name to these coins (Mexico, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay).

What would happen, I wonder publicly in this article, if a serious and respectable country (not all are), decided to rename its currency and call it "grace"?

I invite you, as a curiosity, to think colloquial expressions that include a currency called "grace."

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La fortuna de quien tenga muchas «gracias».

(This is the Article No. 1668)

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