domingo, 17 de noviembre de 2013

The last-minute sale

As buyers and sellers may belong to the same family of similar tastes, the sales increases upselling and satisfactions.

It is conceivable that between sellers and buyers of certain products and services there are some common features; metaphorically, it is possible that they belong to the same family.

For example, McDonald owners are people who like to eat hamburgers, gasoline marketers may be raised in a business like this, carpenters love as much as those who prefer wood furniture that material.

Something that could also add to these ideas is that, to make or sell something, you need to have, as one of the necessary resources, why love is manufactured and sold. Who sells books requires, among other things, enjoy reading and have memory for authors, titles and arguments.

From these considerations arises an explanation of why the upselling, ie the last minute sale, additional sales, the offer complementary.

Surely you already know: this is the offer that makes us who we are selling what we bought:

If we try to refuel the vehicle, we offer a filter, an additive or something else that might be of interest to those who buy gasoline.

The offer comes as generous and timely because, at the time of doing so, we also are reporting an attractive benefit that would not get out of that spot situation.

When McDonald's ordered a coffee, the cashier, almost inevitably, we will offer more. The same applies when we buy a book on Amazon and other buyers tell us that we ordered also bought another book this or that.

As buyers and sellers may belong to the same family of similar tastes, the sales increases upselling and satisfactions.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  La venta de último momento.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.066)

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