jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Crises are deadly tests

Preventive medicine curse anyone seeks a crisis and encourages us to avoid these deadly tests and toning.

Crises are natural phenomena in which living things disappear that were not able to function efficiently.

If you look from the narrow point of view of humanity, crises temporarily raise the risk of survival of the weakest: children, elderly, sick, poor.

For years, Western capitalist countries of the Northern Hemisphere support an economic crisis (currently studying in 2013).

However, systematically suffer inevitable periodic crises caused by seasonal changes. The cold winter is testing us all and some of us will not reach or not reach the spring.

At the individual level, when our body is very liable to be colonized by microorganisms that immunogen system is unable to reject them, then get sick and might not overcome the evidence that we put the Nature.

Just as in the educational system have to take tests to advance to higher levels of learning, in nature we have to overcome the crisis in order to live a while longer.

Humans do not tolerate these exams and repudiate the crises, the evidence and the inability of science to defend the diseases efficiently.

Crises actually make a kind of transfer of vital resources would consider unfair because we remove the weak to give to the rich.

Indeed, in every crisis the weak perish but strong tone.

The said transfer of vitality does not occur directly but indirectly it has to happen the crisis so as to strengthen the forts for which the weak must perish.

Preventive medicine curse anyone seeks a crisis and encourages us to avoid these deadly tests and toning.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las crisis son exámenes mortíferos.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.902)

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