martes, 11 de junio de 2013

The right to terminate a pregnancy

Prevented a woman to terminate her unwanted pregnancy, can we expect a responsible citizen of something?

We are in June 2013. Uruguay.

Within a few days we will have the right but not the obligation, to express electorally whether or not you want plebiscite law authorizing pregnant women who, by their own will, they have an abortion.

This discussion exists in mankind for centuries, in many cases resolved by way of the facts because women do not want to be mothers looking for ways to terminate a pregnancy, even at risk of life.

We agree that every pregnancy involves a certain risk of death for women. Thus they are equipped with the necessary attitude to take risks in life in what concerns the reproductive function.

The discussion about whether women can have the right to terminate a pregnancy include the enunciation of concepts as dramatic as murder to refer to the act of preventing the birth.

A debate, that perhaps there without my concerns known what it means for humanity that we all be gestated and raised by a person who does not have the right to decide over her own body.

The questions could be formulated in these terms: "My mom belongs? Is mistress of herself? Whose is my mom? Are you allowed to be fully responsible legally responsible or has trimmed? Am I the son of a woman or a person responsible partially responsible? "

States might consider paternalistic authoritarian limitation imposed on every citizen involves curb their emotional, infantilizarlo, prevent him from becoming a responsible adult.

A woman barred from being responsible for your body, can we expect a responsible citizen of something?

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El derecho a interrumpir un embarazo.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.926)

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