domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

Obesity as semiotic sign

Denotes obesity Semiotically lack of need or desire, ie body size suggests that satiety, apathy, indifference.

In another article say verbatim (1):

"The semiotic body thinness suggests the existence of an intense desire but controlled, passionate without despair, active but not impulsive."

 The body size is a message such that no one reads it consciously but subconsciously read it all.

The prototype of the banker was, until a few decades ago, a man over fifty fitted with a big belly, wearing a suit (jacket set, pants and vest, made with the same fabric), with a striking gold chain going from one pocket to another vest at the end of which was his watch.

That image of opulence and exuberance also suggested, semiotically, solvency that ensured the return of the savings that will be entrusted to him.

Those who had the opportunity to observe, was classic among white males that soon after marriage her abdomen will become prominent.

Semiotically this phenomenon may be a message to society that could mean:

- "Now do not ask us when we will have children. See how I first pregnancy. Then she will ";

- As a complement of the marriage covenant, the man says to his tummy something like "I have to whom I already eat well, do not need another woman";

Perhaps the thickening of the bride obey the interruption of a healthy weight loss regimen exaggeration made to show off her spectacular wedding dress.

I continue with examples to my proposal of the article mentioned in the first paragraph, the core conceptual says obesity semiotically denotes lack of need or desire, ie suggests that body size, (suggests), loss, motivation, satiety, apathy, indifference.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La obesidad como señal semiótica.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.905)

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