lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Our right to pay and to charge us

Pay for goods or services received is a right of the buyer (said BUYER).

Imagine a small community of twenty or thirty people, so that everyone knows each other and interact.

At parties usually meet as one big family.

When the lady who knows how to sew a dress makes the daughter of another neighbor who turns 15 years, it is with great satisfaction that the girl's mother's father cared dressmaker when the man was sick.

So far no one has to worry about getting cold cuts because Perez, whenever dressing animals and processed meat, shared between all protein foods.

No weaves better than "Grandma Rose" (so they tell one of the founders of the region). She is able to create beautiful coats, whether it's with two needles as a single crochet.

These exchanges are very satisfactory for some but cause anxiety in others.

Indeed, some residents are very aware not to abuse others. They appreciate both the value of a haircut, or the comfort of a good pair of boots, or a vocation and affection with which the teacher taught him to multiply his son, who never have peace of adequately reward.

In other words, the neighbors they value the goods and services received generously of others are forever in your debt, fear incurring abuse, grieving thinking they are exploiting the kindness of others.

In this region imaginary thought that residents had to prohibit donations and establish that any supply of goods or services is canceled at the time at a price according to the two sides so that no one is mortified feeling eternally indebted (or abused).

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Nuestro derecho a pagar y a que nos cobren.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.920)

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