sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

The message of thinness

The semiotic body thinness suggests the existence of an intense desire but controlled without despair passionate, active but not impulsive.

There generating nonverbal communication changes, effective, real though unconventional.

If someone applies for a job or offer your services to a potential client, talk all you plan to say more a lot of information through the attitude, clothing, gestures, breath, voice timbre, and hundreds of other posts also not explicit.

What we say talking or writing is only one part of our messages. I dare to say that these media are what make the minimum significant contribution while others are little messages that end up forming some idea on the receiver (potential employer, client).

Could risk some more and say that there is little that we know the outcome of your messages, offers, tips, invitations.

Moreover, the receiver itself does not know fully what is understood than it receives from issuers. Neither you nor I could explain precisely what led us to buy that tie, to effect such health, to move from neighborhood.

In this context it could be said timidly that our social interactions work by trial and error. Groping putting blue suit with blue tie for a job interview and if granted the requested work we may say that this is the best clothing to ask for work.

As my contributions come primarily from the psychoanalytic illogical, I will share with you a comment that could be as successful as any other.

They seem to have more success seekers with passion, enthusiasm, desire, need not fall into despair, frenzy, vehemently.

The semiotic body thinness suggests the existence of an intense desire but controlled, passionate but not desperate, active but not impulsive.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El mensaje de la delgadez.jpg
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.904)

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