miércoles, 31 de julio de 2013

The blockade of Cuba and death

If not for the death that 'blocks' live forever, would leave everything for tomorrow, ie never.

United States and Cuba are carried like cats and dogs, but are very close geographically. Since it was installed in Cuba under Fidel Castro, the United States became angry and forbids its citizens from trading with the islanders.

One has male name (the United States) and the island nation has female name (Cuba).

One is big and powerful and the other is small and weak, but is enforced.

Do you know what are the symbols of the two? The flag of it is white, blue and red with a number of stars, the flag she is white, blue and red, but has a single star.

If it were not for the institution of marriage connotes submission, domestic violence and infidelity, I would say that one and one look like husband and wife seem, they are close, they fight, they have features in common (flags), speak different languages ​​(English and Spanish), are needed although they hardly recognize.

What would the great American army would without the constant threat that island that makes alliances with the U.S. as an enemy to exist?

What would the Castro tyranny if not justified to keep the people united and militant against mega-faced American enemy?

What would the economic inefficiency Communist Cuban regime if not for the trade embargo imposed by the United States that takes all the blame for the people living with deprivation unworthy?

But let's not go that far.

What would you and me if not for the death that "blocks" to live forever and we do not hurry to leave everything for tomorrow, that is, never?

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El bloqueo a Cuba y la muerte.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.976)

Free will and "it was not me”

The believer in free will, when something goes wrong, it becomes an unfair irresponsible saying, "Not me."

Being humble is a matter of luck and, in turn, to believe in luck you will be lucky.

Not everyone is lucky enough to believe in luck because a majority believes that "Will is power" and, therefore, makes superhuman efforts to have as much power as he wants. Unfortunately not always have as much power as you want and, before this misfortune, not lucky enough to think that "Will is power" is a phrase wrong: you are unlucky enough to think that the phrase is fine but something was wrong.

To believe that we have no free will have to be lucky.

Those who believe in determinism assume that each event is inexorably led a range of factors beyond our control, which coincidentally came together to cause my decisions, my actions, my thoughts.

Those who believe in free will hardly be humble because they are always exposed to thinking that made ​​and unmade, control everything, that everything can.

Of course humans are not powerful enough to handle such responsibility. On the contrary, if anything we differ from other animals is that we are far more vulnerable than others.

Those who have the misfortune to believe in free will have no choice but to face a leadership that is deliciously intoxicating side and on the other is unbearably oppressive.

Faced with this grief, and since there's no other alternative, the believer in free will, when he sees that also should take care of what goes wrong, then it becomes an unfair irresponsible. Quickly says: "I ​​was not."

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El libre albedrío y «yo no fui».
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.957)

martes, 30 de julio de 2013

Dying is not the worst

The most dramatic change is to be relieved to be sore, but we insist on believing that the worst happens with death.

Gestalt theory (1) is the one that best explains our way of perceiving contrast: white on black, silent about noise, release of desolation.

When the contrasts are located in different time perception takes a special dimension.

Clearly noticed perceptual effect that occurs when bursts thunder in the silence of the night, clearly notice perceptual effect that occurs when a white object is resting on a black background; clearly noticed perceptual effect that occurs when a pain is calmed by intravenous injection of an anesthetic.

However, the perceptual effect that occurs when the last guest leaves a party that saturated our home socially (release) is not as noticeable if two or three days later we were plunged into despair because even someone calls us .

Something similar happens when the infatuation is wearing out, slowly but surely, and if we agree, we just have a sweet memory that "cuts" on a sad gestálticamente bitter taste.

The perception arises from two opposing feelings but distant in time it provokes special feelings went from being happy to be sad, that is what the perception changes to build ourselves, we become.

No longer are the colors, the sounds, the scents of something outside that perception change but it is built with personal changes that contrast: we are well and be wrong; entire body seems to change, and change the color of skin chameleon.

The most dramatic change is to be relieved to be sore, but we insist on believing that the worst happens with death.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):Morir no es lo peor.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.975)

Christianity proposes waste time

For how Christian doctrine is designed to trust God is to do nothing.

Christians have a way of thinking that could favor poverty, that is, that could give you better health and permanence to this scourge.

They think that the "communion" is starting to like a promise of God and feed the desire for the perpetual possession. It is an anticipation of eternal life here on Earth.

By "communion" can understand the intimate relationship experienced by Christians with God, with Christ, with the Holy Spirit and with other believers.

Note what a strange word is our language: "procastinar". With it we mean "differ, postpone, to defer, defer."

When you and I "procastinamos" impoverish us. As we live in a world almost completely capitalist, time is money and wasting it 'procastinando "(I liked the little word!), Incurred a wasteful irresponsible.

Not that anyone can blame a man addicted to a "procrastination" from those who seem to wield publicized goodness, ethics, bienpensar (if already exists the word "welfare" should be the word "bienpensar").

Note that according to known definitions, the vice is the opposite of virtue and Christian churches say they preach the virtues though, I guess unwittingly, promote indefinite postponement because if we believe in the eternity of our existence, why we a hurry?

We are encouraged to hope, which seems positive because it would encourage perseverance, tenacity, productive work, but in reality that hope is so great that also favors the 'procrastination'.

For Christians, hope is the confidence that God will fulfill his promises and these promises are very optimistic, paternalistic, stimulating indolence.

The way this doctrine is designed to trust God is to leave almost everything in his hands.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  El cristianismo propone perder el tiempo.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.956)

lunes, 29 de julio de 2013

Self-preservation and boredom

The survival instinct out of boredom makes it difficult for us to understand that it is not easy to resurrect.

It is preferable to be funny rather than accurate: nobody will forgive you bored and maybe nobody will notice you're inaccurate.

Boredom is one of the undesirable effects of immortality.

A psychosomatic illness is downright nasty, but for those who suffer may be the least bad solution to the deadly tedium.

Retirement makes hollow beings retirees, empty, useless, thus responsible for paying the annuity will ensure that you do it for long.

Medicine is a great collaborator because it gives work (examinations, checking, expect) a lot of people who get sick from not having to occupy his time.

Boredom seems a problem but a solution is given as young people the drive to do more and more things to be entertained.

Boredom is also a solution for the elderly because mentally prepared for when the time comes they die. When the days seem so endless that they never get the time to go to bed, they begin to feel like the dream is final.

When the brain lacks exciting stimuli causes the feeling of boredom that could compare with the thirst. When the brain thirst for excitement, causing the malaise we call boredom.

That pain is like depression because the symptoms include listlessness himself out of it. Works like a vicious circle. Thirst is like taking away our desire to get water.

I have reached a conclusion crazy, but they just tell:

The survival instinct out of boredom makes it difficult for us to understand that it is not easy to resurrect.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El instinto de conservación y el aburrimiento.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.974)