domingo, 28 de julio de 2013

We unhappiness of others

Speaking of money doing it shames us because we could demonstrate a meanness which, if discovered, would cease to love.

Our mind is unable to cover major issues at once. When we speak of "happiness", for example, we refer to a welfare state that we sometimes feel that we would keep: we feel loved, we have energy to do what we need to do, we're bored, we're optimistic, it appears be in place.

Therefore, when we talk about a subject as broad as is "happiness", we can only think of some features of that state of mind.

If we could gather all those traits that characterize not subsidized happiness in all we energetically, looking forward with enthusiasm.

If you share this definition, we summarize a subject so comprehensive to the simple condition of "having power, desire, enthusiasm."

When we have energy, enthusiasm and excitement we are happy, when we are happy we have energy, enthusiasm and excitement. If we have each other and vice versa.

There is a universal fantasy is to be king of a people not do enough to keep us happy. The main concern of these subjects is to be happy, take care, love.

Money seems to be a suitable instrument for this fantasy. We can imagine with enough money to buy the work of people that are needed to keep us happy, healthy, excited.

In this case the money would go to purchase energy, desire, enthusiasm, basic elements of happiness.

But something overshadows our fantasy monarchy: with money something sad happens is that when you have one others do not.

We all wish that life buy King but we are ashamed to admit that while we are willing that others do not have it, we want the unhappiness of others.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Deseamos la infelicidad ajena.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.954)

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