jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Differences between women and men

The count (census, inventory) of men carried by women is flawed essential.

World population indicates that we are (almost) the same number of men and women.

Personal Censuses indicate something quite different.

According to the subjective judgment of those who walk in the street, cinemas, theaters, bus stops, hospitals, public transport, we can say without fear of contradiction that human ten, six are women and four are men.

If the census is done by a woman who is looking to start a family, running study centers, workplaces, sports and social clubs, Internet, family reunions, can say without equivocation that of ten people, eight are women and two are boys.

In turn, when this polling refines their data, finds that of those two men, none serves for endless reasons, all beyond their control and impossible to reverse.

As my vocation is to try to look at reality without paying attention or views loftiest, I want to practice a discreet personal evaluation of these surveys.

I can not doubt the certainty that we are equal number of males and females because that is what happens in all mammals since someone invented them and they installed a long battery life.

In what has to do with the field of view (streets, public places, families), it is true: women swarm, are everywhere except in the bathrooms for men.

This is a female characteristic: move, go out and buy, watch, knowing the territory, settle, determine its geographic coordinates, investigate what others do.

The erroneous data is as follows: when they diagnosed "No men" should say "No men who want the same as us."

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Diferencia entre mujeres y varones.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.949)

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