martes, 16 de julio de 2013

The kind people lie for love

The holy people lie for love, for compassion, for help and sometimes do not understand why they end up in jail.

It is not true that we reject the lie, deny themselves the discovery of a lie, reject the lie when we hurt, we reject the false unjustified, free, unaccountable, abusive, silly, careless, indifferent, rough, reckless, sloppy.

For some thinkers, not diagnosed as psychotic (yet), the truth does not exist, is inaccessible to our intellect, our five senses are inadequate to grasp.

If this diagnosis is correct reality, which, as I said, is very unlikely, then we live in a world of appearances in which we lie, we deceive, betray us naively, when we know the truth.

Some people elaborate lies to do good and other elaborate lies to harm.

On these latter may not be worth commenting because they are the most popular, well known, widespread, feared, rejected.

About the people who make lies to do good there is less data because the issue itself seems to include a contradiction.

Adults trick children into obedience. Strategy is so widespread that it is considered normal, acceptable, correct.

That delusion is legalized saying that everything we do for children what we do for your good. In this case, what is moral that "the end justifies the means", therefore, it is ethical to lie to children when it is for their good.

Of course, among adults there are more advanced people than others. Might even say that some children are kept longer.

When someone makes the opinion of another adult, you automatically feel empowered to lie for his sake.

If this happens, the more unscrupulous feels full of holiness but unable to understand why you are imprisoned.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las personas bondadosas mienten por amor.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.961)

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