The survival instinct out of boredom makes it difficult for us to understand that it is not easy to resurrect.
It is preferable to be funny rather than accurate: nobody will forgive you bored and maybe nobody will notice you're inaccurate.
Boredom is one of the undesirable effects of immortality.
A psychosomatic illness is downright nasty, but for those who suffer may be the least bad solution to the deadly tedium.
Retirement makes hollow beings retirees, empty, useless, thus responsible for paying the annuity will ensure that you do it for long.
Medicine is a great collaborator because it gives work (examinations, checking, expect) a lot of people who get sick from not having to occupy his time.
Boredom seems a problem but a solution is given as young people the drive to do more and more things to be entertained.
Boredom is also a solution for the elderly because mentally prepared for when the time comes they die. When the days seem so endless that they never get the time to go to bed, they begin to feel like the dream is final.
When the brain lacks exciting stimuli causes the feeling of boredom that could compare with the thirst. When the brain thirst for excitement, causing the malaise we call boredom.
That pain is like depression because the symptoms include listlessness himself out of it. Works like a vicious circle. Thirst is like taking away our desire to get water.
I have reached a conclusion crazy, but they just tell:
The survival instinct out of boredom makes it difficult for us to understand that it is not easy to resurrect.
Note: Original
in Spanish (without translation by Google): El
instinto de conservación y el aburrimiento.
(Este es el Artículo Nº 1.974)
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