jueves, 31 de octubre de 2013

Technique to collect what appears free

We can enjoy "free" many online games (online), but for performance funniest end up paying a few dollars.

As a child of nine years, lived in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay.

I had many needs because my parents could meet them, but I flooded the wish fulfillment : games, music, travel, books, clothes.

Today I think that this might be something happening to many people because there was a sales system that, in essence, resembled another that is becoming more popular.

It was common that some vendors were devoted to each house leave a package, wrapped in plastic wrap (cellophane), which contained several items, for example, two or three different combs, a small mirror, ondulines feminine styling, curling hair. Somewhere also inform us the price.

Two or three hours after leaving these products, vendors repassed to withdraw the money or the package, according to homeowner offering to buy or not.

Haunted by the accumulation of so many unfulfilled desires, I had the belief that this was a gift wrapper and, paradoxically, also felt he needed those items for something not sure what it was, but the "needed".

In this state, I thought my mother was a cold, callous, ruthless. How could return those precious objects that someone was giving away? How could offend someone giving back what we had delivered? How could he leave his son worshiped without these must-haves for any child of 9 years?

All changes to keep it the same.

Now we can enjoy "free" many online games, to those who wish to take them, enjoy them, have fun with them without charge.... Since some ads will appear so tempting that we will pay a few dollars for one free game.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Técnica para cobrar lo que parece gratuito.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.067)

miércoles, 30 de octubre de 2013

Violence is cheap but does not yield

We use violence to suppress inconvenient situations we can not understand for lack of intellectual and emotional maturity.

There are very important reasons for humans we use physical violence, brutal and merciless.

- Can be understood and applied by people of very low levels of education;
- The fear (caused by violence) is a highly effective feeling, paralyzing deterrent, which is beyond the control of the sufferer;
- Requires low income (thus is accessible to a majority of people).

The policies that apply universally to control and discourage the consumption of psycho-active drugs (cocaine, marijuana, amphetamines), are fundamentally violent.

A technique that usually works very well for studying social phenomena is to leave out the value judgments (good, bad, evil, ideal, positive) posturing humble enough to recognize that the fact at issue is working perfectly well (because to remain must be viable harmonic coherent healthy), although we can not understand yet.

I say this in another way:

Value judgments are arrogant reactions subject us, bind us, imprison us.

Our mind can hardly operate intelligently when confused "what is" with what "should be".

Something happens to the drug phenomenon is that we face with a mind clouded by:

- The media scandal referred to the corruption of the actors, to a kind of mystical struggle between " good and evil";

- The envy we feel for those who enjoy using and to those who enrich unscrupulously;

- The conviction that violence (repression) brutal, blind, devastating, really effective, radical, infallible.

Both the drug and in our personal economy, violence is a solution as cheap as inefficient.

All cash is to develop (encourage, sponsor) individual responsibility.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La violencia es barata pero no rinde.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.066)

The economics of teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancy anticipates the change in ownership of the female body. Parents and society reluctantly yield it.

By the head of a teenage girl who learns of her pregnancy goes a flood of emotions, ideas and above all fears, which seem deadly, not least because she would die at the thought of what is coming: angry parents, teachers uncomfortable, friends mocking, unpredictable boyfriend, in short, go through your head around what she would think and feel if another girl the same thing happened to him.

Nature does not notice these cultural nonsense. The conservation of the species is legislated by the way of the facts: the young are excited, always assume that love and ecstasy purifies everything, saves and protects.

The predominant thought in the sublime moment when events rush and are in free fall, it is always the same: "I ​​do not happen to me".

This article is in this blog intended to money because in these circumstances the most serious conflicts have much to do with issues related to private property:

- People who are angry because the girl was pregnant she used improperly feel a body of which they are owners. Parents, grandparents, uncles, say shame but really feel that the girl was not even her own body to "usárselos", "taking without permission", "gozárselos";

- When the religious rulers and force women to not disrupt any pregnancy, are clearly showing that the woman has her body on loan, perhaps rented, loaned it and should take care of;

- The girl feels unfairly used as prey is something you want. I wanted to keep playing but bad luck imposed tasks, commitments and responsibilities overwhelming.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La economía del embarazo adolescente.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.048)

martes, 29 de octubre de 2013

The end of boring work

Perhaps in the future we do not need to suffer like Jesus Christ to earn their bread by the sweat of our boredom.

For some it may be interesting to know more about the gamification ( 1), otherwise I tell them from the English word "game", meaning "play".

In Castilian can intuitively understand the concept if we talk about ludificación, jueguización or juguetización.

It's turning into play some tasks that originally were not. For example, getting a strange sound to throw waste in a suitable container, find fun surprises in hiring an air ticket online, or move a ladder in which each step you step beeps as if it were the a piano key.

This phenomenon, in the form of ludificación, just beginning to work now, although the technique of stimulating certain actions through awards always existed.

This beginning is due to the development and popularization of video games. These can be enjoyed for free on the web and are incorporated into cell phones.

Futurists predict something that seems reasonable : Someday, the ludificación work will not be as boring or monotonous, or discouraging as it is today (courses in 2013 ).

Currently working under pressure to make money to live. The only incentive we have is to collect at the end of each month to pay off debts and so, month after month, until we retire..., and begin to draw your pension, to keep doing the same until death.

This boring sentence starts at school age.

Indeed, education systems teach us things that do not concern us morally preparing for one day bored out of obligation.

The model so far received is that of the poor sufferer crucified Jesus of Nazareth, but then resurrected.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): El fin del trabajo aburrido.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.047)

lunes, 28 de octubre de 2013

Medicine as a metaphor for the police

Our intelligence, confused by the metaphors, can reason that it is easier to find and control offenders microbes.

In other items (1) I mentioned something about the benefits and contraindications of metaphors.

Briefly, these comparisons allow us to facilitate understanding of new knowledge, with reference to those already known, but it turns out that our tendency to simplify everything leads us to believe that what we compare saying " it looks like this again known as ' results plenty of brains to understand that "this again is iDENTICAL to this already known".

One of the most popular metaphors - comparisons is to understand that medicine is the science that fighting our illnesses, therefore, to understand better, we think that "Medicine is an army of people fighting against microbes".

Until here, everything is very reasonable, didactic, wonderfully understandable. With this teaching technique hardly anyone will not understand what is the medicine as long as you know that armies are public employees responsible for defending the country from attack or institutions destabilizing sovereignty violators.

In almost any head develops an interesting reflection: If military public employees effectively fight germs that are so small, why, then, police public employees are not able to fight the massive criminals?

Reflection continues: If doctors can see, attack and fight enemies microscopic, police can not you see, attack and fight enemies more visible? To make matters worse, it is said that microbes attack us for millions, but criminals do not attack us by the millions, are relatively few.

These reflections, which is never spoken, encourage a sense of insecurity, while Medicine receives more approval, customers and money.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La medicina como metáfora de la policía.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.064)

Some salaries will be lower

The film industry will have to pay lower wages because many films may be free from homes.

I feel pity to criticize the intellectual poverty affects us all. It is one of our worst enemies because we sabotage when we try to improve our quality of life.

Appealing to defense mechanisms such as:

- Alliance with the enemy, that is, marvel at our stupidity, but baptizing naive, idealized human being silly, ignorant, who works as a donkey and, therefore, does not seek more than a manger with enough water and food, or appealing to other defense mechanisms such as the

- Denial, ie deliberately ignoring the mistakes we make when we evaluate our chances in the labor market, or appealing to a

- Reaction formation, that is, consider that the only ethically appropriate way to interpret what we perceive should not be based on reality as it is but a conception based on what it should be, according to idealist philosophy we like.

For example, it is for all those who work receive a salary. As well it should be then the idealists fight for all workers receive wages..., regardless of the value you have that job.

The idealists, happy to sabotage their quality of life because they put the defense of his preaching, no matter insist that a worker be useful to the group that integrates all that matters is that he needs a salary, whatever you do to earn it.

The film industry worth millions of dollars, their employees earn fortunes, but many viewers is that now pay no more than the movie ticket because they prefer a file downloaded from the Internet and watch the movie for free at home. Will you continue charging fortunes those workers billionaires?

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Algunos salarios serán menores.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.046)

domingo, 27 de octubre de 2013

The necessary educational falsehoods

Metaphors, to provoke an illusion of wisdom, keep us wrong but convinced that we know everything.

When someone "say one thing for another", or lies or use a metaphor.

From this we deduce that a metaphor is a lie though, in fact, need not distort reality but function explain, clarify, help the recipient understand.

The metaphors, the definition of the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, says : "A trope that involves transferring the direct sense of the words to a figurative, under an implied comparison, p. for example., pearls of dew. The spring of life. Restrain the passions", (the metaphors, I repeat) are especially used as a teaching because teaching should be based on what the student already knows.

When the teacher teaches the child what is a nation, you can say it's like family, only much bigger. In this case : family is a metaphor for the nation.

Back to the beginning, if metaphor is "say one thing for another", like lying, then you might say, by simple deduction, which we teach to lie.

Returning to the example above, it is not true that a nation is like a big family. A nation works very differently to how a family.

When we receive our earliest childhood teaching these wonders, thanks to which we can leave school with the intention of showing everyone how now we know all about the concept 'nation', the hypnotic effect of using a metaphor understanding can join us to death.

The metaphors, which often have recourse despite what I am now saying against him, to settle the illusion of wisdom, we remain convinced that wrong but we know everything.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Las necesarias falsedades educativas.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.063)

Manolito influence of Mafalda

Manolito, being an anti-hero of the comic strip Mafalda, discourages economic prosperity desire of its readers.

The cartoons are part of our ecosystem.

Just like living in a very hot and humid difficult physical and mental activity, as well as live in a very cold, with long winters and short periods of sunlight make it difficult to outdoor life, the influence of the comics also favor, or disadvantage, certain behaviors.

If I had my honor personalities connoted 'm sure the monument to Quino occupy a special place in my city.

This great philosopher of the 20th century and 21 is influencing us even more than the generals who changed history with bullets.

The joke in the comic strip Mafalda Quino is because shows a reflection of how we are. He draws us even in our deepest intentions. Perhaps our mother unless he knows us, so many of us love dearly.

In this blog would accommodate many issues, due to its direct or indirect link with "Money and poverty pathological", but only make a brief mention of the character that explicitly addresses issues of "money" : Manolito.

In almost all Spanish speaking culture, Latin American, the Galicians are a model of hard working, thrifty and poorly educated.

With reference to immigrants who came to America in the first half of the 20th century, we assume that are crude, gross, hard working, stingy, incapable of committing crimes, very religious, economically prosperous because they are considered as tireless workers like ants.

Manolito 's location in the comic strip is an anti-hero. Few readers would wish to identify with him, so I think that this cartoon discourages economic prosperity of their hardcore readers.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La influencia de Manolito de Mafalda.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.045)

sábado, 26 de octubre de 2013

Literature, disease and poverty

In the literature we find reflections on the disease that could also apply to economic poverty.

I always make the greatest effort in my power to be clear, easy to understand, but in this case I am a special situation because I have to plantearles a different situation.

In this case, you will not understand why everything. Must comply with some ideas get confusing, inaccurate, that when in contact with their minds, produce or exchange any effect, but not immediately, as when we read something that is understood immediately.

Indeed, the following suggestion may have a long term effect. Maybe someday enjoy the benefits of having read this article, but have no evidence of how it happened that gain.

The idea is to think that unemployment, lack of job, income, functions as a disease as serious as we believe it is serious that lack of money.

In the literature, the most inspired writers have compared to disease in many ways. For example, a disease or lack of sufficient income:

- It is a divine punishment, supernatural, demonic (ancient literature, Bible, Iliad, Odyssey) ;

- Is a sign of moral and social decay (Ghosts, Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen) ;

- Destination is a consequence of infallible (various) ;

- Works as painful stimulus for some artistic or intellectual geniuses, who (illness or economic hardship) morally tone (Uncle Tom 's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe the U.S.) ;

- Can operate as revolutionary impulse, libertarian, redeemer (The Lady of the Camellias by French writer Alexandre Dumas [son]) ;

- The Calamity enhances awareness of the complexities of life and inevitable death (Dead Irish writer James Joyce).

 What we think of the disease can also think about the job vacancy.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Literatura, enfermedad y pobreza.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.044)

viernes, 25 de octubre de 2013

Why is there the sacred

Uncertainty bother us and we do anything to avoid it. Sacralizamos not to think ; become sacred so we prefer to ignore.

The word "sanctify" means "to give sanctity to what was not", and, in turn, is considered to be something or someone is 'sacred' because "inspires reverence and respect".

These ideas make us think that attitude that humans tend to adopt when we want something or someone gets special treatment different from that given all his fellows.

That special treatment usually consists, for example, not to point out their flaws in their unconcealed passion justify mistakes, take it as such, (including forcing the facts); idealizing his image, his memory, enshrining his figure as with the heroes.

Probably this is because, deep down, we want to avoid the uncertainty, doubt, insecurity of day - to- day. Sacralizamos someone or something because you want that there are more certainties than we have.

The real certainties are too few: tomorrow is another day, everything falls and that nothing in the air for a long time, that someday we will die. Maybe you can add some other certainty confirmed, but I do not remember any other.

The question is this mortifying truth erratic search ultimately inconclusive... beyond doubt.

When sacralizamos someone, or something (person, god, myth, historical interpretation), we generated, by consensus, a certainty artificial, deliberately fabricated, a lie with truth hierarchy.

To consecrate we put a spanner in the progress on why sacralizamos. You can never investigate that person, or myth, or historical interpretation. By making it 'sacred truth' we put an end to the issue because they want to continue discussing, thinking, DOUBTING.

In short sacralizamos not to think; become sacred so we prefer to ignore.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Por qué existe lo sagrado.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.061)

Strengths and weaknesses, their own and others

Psychoanalysis offers us some useful ideas. Knowing the human strengths and weaknesses, their own and others, is profitable.

It seems that it is true that "all extremes are bad" and psychoanalysis seeks to contribute in their own way, so we can all stay as close as possible to the "extreme", but not reach them because, as the saying, "are bad".

Culture imposes an upset, by which we walk through life supporting two sources of discomfort:

- Natural, hunger causes us to eat, tired to sleep, afraid to flee or attack them, and

- Cultural, causes us disgust at what we should not accept, shame, that the feeling of ridicule keeps us aware of how we act in front of others, modesty, for us to be fearful of sexuality and pleasure in general.

Psychoanalysis offers, as its name implies, an analysis of the psyche, for us to handle our life with a little more discretion, so we can observe how circumstances lead us to one side and to the other (determinism and free will), so we can have a more or less reliable explanation of how we are, how we could be and how it would be impossible for us to become, although some idealistic beliefs achievements encourage us to look impossible, but very seductive.

Psychoanalysis, for example, tells us that only we are careful with our property, but we have limited ability to care for the property of others.

Who knows how the human psyche (the own and others), is better prepared to make a living, to another whom you think humans are honest, reliable, responsible, careful gossiping.

Knowing the human strengths and weaknesses, their own and others, is profitable.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Fortalezas y debilidades, propias y ajenas.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.043)

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

We are all revolutionaries

The phenomenon causes us discomfort life, natural and inevitable for us to adapt to a constantly changing reality.

In an article or video I have mentioned one of the few indisputable truths: human beings are not opposed to changes in general only oppose harmful changes.

If we are living in a small, dark, uncomfortable, noisy, cold in winter and warm in summer, far removed from any population center, we want to participate in any change that involves access to housing large, bright, comfortable, quiet, cool in summer and warm in winter, close to population centers.

Any human being will resist change consisting nice to leave the house to go and live in a nasty house.

In short, humans are fans of the changes, revolutions, alternatives, if, and only if, these changes, revolutions and alternatives are a benefit.

It is said that "the past was better" and this is not really so. What does seem true is that when we are unhappy with what we live, we imagine that we have undergone a change imperceptible but very harmful, because of which here we are upset with this reality around us.

In very general terms, what usually happens is that, as I say in a blog specializing in the subject, HURTS LIVE (VIVIR DUELE), that is, there is no way to live with zero hassles. We are constantly feeling uncomfortable feeling tired, bored, hungry, distrust, shame, longing, uncertainty, hypochondria, jealousy, envy, revenge, anger, humiliation, anger, and other similar stones in the shoe.

This uncomfortable this must be so because the life phenomenon uses natural discomfort for us to adapt to continuously changing reality around us.

We dream of a change impossible: get rid of the discomfort inevitable.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Todos somos revolucionarios.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.060)

The yield and stress

The performance of any activity is proportional to the stress of their realization, but the reverse is not true.

It is popular and well known among economists a formula according to which the return on investments is directly proportional to the risk, ie a more profitable investment is the higher are the chances of suffering a loss.

Of course, as the formula is quite vague, as it is also true that the greater the odds of losing, no matter if the gain is huge as it is very liable to be lost.

It would not be strange that a man retired candy make more money selling a banker who made a big investment and he lost everything.

Therefore, the attempt to find reliable formulas, we alleviate the anguish of uncertainty, it is often illusory.

In fact, year after year, they give Nobel Prizes rigorously the smartest economists and, mockingly, poverty, if not increase, in the best case, remains unchanged.

But we have to assume that these are the levels of certainty we can expect of science in general. With the exception of physics and chemistry, the other winning activities (medicine, literature, peace and economics) are very subjective assessment, arguably on.

This article is to propose a different and maybe you could give us some guidance.

The formula says that there is a close link between stress quantitative and profitability of any business.

In other words, if an activity is profitable, it is hardly reassuring, peaceful, smooth, soothing.

The reverse need not be true, ie, if a worker is stressed, worries, have a lot of anxiety and trouble, not necessarily a profit to compensate you.

Worse stress, by itself, generates losses.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  La rentabilidad y el estrés.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.042)

miércoles, 23 de octubre de 2013

One advantage of sick

Frustrations help us live, perhaps we lived because we often sick without both conditions would live badly.

Someone has said that man is a sick animal. May not be so much to say that man is an animal a little sicker than others.

I think we're doing something right because, while we suffer from multiple deficiencies, vulnerabilities, accidents are one of the longer-lived species.

Course we can not compare ourselves with the longest living, to which he calculated an age of 100,000 (you read that right: one hundred thousand years ago). The Posidonia oceanic (1), is a vegetable which extends at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea and occupies large areas.

Also lost in life expectancy with several trees, but humans, sick and all, survived almost all the animals around us (dogs, cats, birds, fish, cattle, horses).

These reflections surrounding a topic I come commenting recent times (2) and refers to the need for us to have something to dissatisfaction, some frustration, that our desires and needs are never fully exhausted.

It should not surprise us that our predisposition to sick longevity is associated with that which places us among the animals most durable.

In other words: we are very sick animals but animals are also living longer healthier than others.

It is reasonable to establish a causal link between the two characteristics, ie live many years because we have poor health.

One would think that if it were true that we should be a little dissatisfied and a little frustrated with the satisfaction of our needs and desires, diseases are an endless source of dissatisfaction and frustration.

In short, perhaps we lived because we are exposed to sick and this is good.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): Una ventaja de enfermar.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.059)

Human activity and combustion engines

Combustion engines and humans generate change because first accumulate pressure and then something pops us.

Combustion engines, which move our machines work because, in them, something happens that also occurs in humans.

In engines is popped an explosive mixture (air with gasoline), so that the energy of the explosion shock jolt an object (piston). This movement generates violent shove we took the opportunity to move (by land, sea or air), to activate a knitting machine, or a mill, or a combine of wheat.

In other words: energy generating productive, useful, transforms reality, is the explosion of an explosive mixture with a spark that appears at the right time.

The similarity with humans is that something (spark) we react when accumulated frustration, anger, indignation (explosive mixture compression). When we burst, we act: calling, hitting, dropping, building. Education requires us to moderate our actions, because in their origin are as violent as the engine explosion.

Not bad to react, we act, we attempt to transform reality. In fact, both the engine and humans are part of nature and we are agents of change as any other living or natural force.

Moreover: all indicate that those most energy applied to transform reality, are primarily responsible for the adaptive changes necessary to continue living in a world that is constantly changing.

Without those explosive, revolutionary, could disappear by natural changes maladjustment.

We are all more or less explosive, change agents, adaptive evolution engines, and frustration, compression, indignation, the essential factor to act, react, we exploit, we adapt healthfully.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): La actividad humana y los motores a explosión.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.041)

martes, 22 de octubre de 2013

Defensive Greed

Who we hinder earn money maybe we need to do it for a type of greed they need to survive.

Because my mind works, this article is linked to other (1) that the public today.

When we try to earn the money needed to meet the everyday needs and desires, our and people whose quality of life is under our responsibility, we often meet people who have much money but, however, are:

Greedy, stingy, stingy, stingy, miserable, scabby, seized, usurious, sordid, avaricious, interested, selfish, narrow, ruines, materialistic opportunists, utilitarian, exploited, economic, vulgar, prosaic, rough, rude, crude, low, tacky, pedestrian, trivial, dull, etc..

These 29 ways to qualify those who spend less money than they have, they are less generous than they could, that collect exaggerated his wealth, makes us think that such a condition is worrying and that bothers us because we anguish.

Put another way: that in our language we have to symbolize the 29 ways to the same condition indicates that this condition is unsettling, disturbing, if it were not, perhaps he would devote two or three synonyms, as to avoid the annoying repetition when describe.

Now I propose an explanation of why someone suffers from these 29 problems:

Although most have to puzzle over and back to get the money necessary, other people get it without much effort, it will come without seeking: inheritance, income, prosperity.

In another article published today that we need to tell them not to exhaust our desires because that would be almost imminent death: life depends on us to retain some pending needs and desires satisfaction.

Those who suffer from these 29 features are struggling to avoid running out desires are austere, disciplined, Spartans, sober, frugal, for fear of running out of wishes by excessive satisfaction.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  La avaricia defensiva.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.040)

Desires and frustrations

We need to have desires and try to satisfy them, but not quite. We need to have frustrations that desires never go away.

Beware lest thing one of these days we run out some frustration!

I repeat in other words for this idea goes against common sense:We fight vigorously cancellation of our desires!, Do not let someone run out unfulfilled desires!,Treat, courtesy moderate, who, day by day, are determined to frustrate!

If you believe you understood the previous proclamation read on because I will justify why we should not give up the frustrations own and others.

There is a painting technique that involves the generation of images that, at first glance, seem a thing, but if we look closely we find that are handled differently. Wikipedia explains it well (1).

In the case of defending the total dissatisfaction of desire occurs similar to the above painting technique: first we are defending the frustration but simultaneously we have to fight it, but without making it disappear altogether.

I say this in another way: we need to have desires for our body is provided with the vital energy we need to be alive, energetic, enthusiastic, but we achieve these benefits (enthusiasm, for example), when we try to satisfy that desire, but of course if we try to cancel it entirely know that the cancellation of that desire will lead us apathy, boredom, one feeling depressed, sad, without enthusiasm.

The situation is ambivalent and can understand if, and only if, tolerate living with ambivalence, with the contradiction.

The figure of the image depicts a wooden construction, if we look carefully we can realize your real existence is impossible. Something similar happens with this administration 's desire: we must try to cancel it, but yes: never completely.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google):  Deseos y frustraciones.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.058)

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Political satire

Political satire reinforces the power of the rulers because people end up believing that their acts of corruption are humorous.

This article is linked thematically to another (1) which also make mention of the symbolic function of the mind, by which popular wisdom metaphorical concludes that "barking dog does not bite".

In that article I emphasize the fact that the war games are useful to deal effectively with human aggression and, with its use, we would avoid many acts of real violence and irreversible.

The aforementioned thematic linking of this article is given because they 'll make a comment about the funny jokes that some artists make politicians.

As spectators applaud these actions for several reasons:

The first, and most obvious, we celebrate the genuine fun that we cause.

Second, because we are also able to laugh with nerves, fear, surprise. When we think, "How dare this person say what he says, for all to hear, and probably also the victim?" Feel fear others. We assume that the powerful ruler apply full power of the state to punish the audacity of whoever dares to mock him.

Third, we want to applaud because surely encourage this suicide seems to defend the abuse of power of those who govern us.

Fourth, we also celebrate belong to a country where freedom of expression reaches the limit grossly offend so unusual and that nothing happens to the aggressor.

Fifth, - and this is more difficult to perceive, because we put ourselves in the place of the ruler of the actor who mocks. I wish for us not so much angry emotional maturity!

In short, political satire reinforces the power of the powerful.

Note: Original in Spanish (without translation by Google): 
La sátira política.

(Este es el Artículo Nº 2.057)